Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay on The Global Warming Debate - 768 Words

The Global Warming Debate We are polluting the atmosphere and with an increasingly wide range of polluting substances and these are due to the fact that there are now so many people and their human activities are altering the chemical compositing of the atmosphere through the buildup of gases. By the end of this article, you will start to wonder about what this is doing to our world. What is global warming? Global warming takes place because human activities are pumping vast amounts of gases. These are Carbon dioxide – this gas is unconfined to the atmosphere when solid fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal, and wood products are burned Methane – this gas is given out during the†¦show more content†¦Causes and effects of global warming Industrial revolution has played a major part in global warming. Carbon dioxide is known to be the most important single factoring global warming. Carbon dioxide has risen to up to 30%. This is partly due to fossil fuels, which are used to run vehicles, business, to heat up homes and power factories. For carbon dioxide, a secondary factor is deforestation and the burning of deforestation. CFCs emitted from aerosols, air conditioners, refrigerators and foam packagings are the most detrimental of greenhouse gases. Methane is released decomposing organic matter such as animal dung, swamps and waste dumps. Nitric oxide is released from car exhausts, agricultural fertilisers and power stations. The US is known to have produced up to about a fifth of all greenhouse gases. Future predictions are that there could be violent storms and sea levels will be raised. To add to that there could be more droughts torrential rainfall and even worse, parts of the polar ice caps would start melting w hich could flood vast areas around the edges of continents. Also scientists have predicted that by 2100, carbon dioxide concentrations are known to be 30 – 150% higher than today’s levels. Attempts to stop global warming A lot of attempts have been made to try and administer the problemShow MoreRelatedThe Debate Of Global Warming894 Words   |  4 PagesThe Debate of Global Warming Climate change is a hot-button topic in politics, conversation, and education. Both sides of the ongoing debate claim disastrous consequences. On one hand, the view of an economic focus could make the market worse. On the other, the end of life as we know it. This is a comparison essay between Al Gore s documentary a vocal advocate for global warming reform and a film made by deniers. In the film Unstoppable Solar Cycles: Rethinking Global warming. The creators expressRead MoreThe Debate On Global Warming1087 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Warming Argumentive Essay Both Al Gore and Daniel Botkin have different arguments on global warming. They are both think very similar on the same topic. Because one part of the argument is serious, and the other one is not so much. 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Temperatures on earth have increased approximately 2.0 °F since the early 20th century. Levels of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane have drastically increased within the atmosphere. Both sides within the debate surrounding global climate change can agree on these points. However; disagree on a number of other possible causations of global warming. Even though thereRead MoreGlobal Warming Debate Essay1241 Words   |  5 Pages In the controversy over whether Global Warming there is two sides in which people can choose either human caused or just Mother Nature doing her thing. Most scientists will tell you that Global Warming is mostly the cause of humans. While there are some who will disagree and say that it is just nature doing what it has done for thousands of years. For most scientists the topic of global warming is one that is caused by us humans. They have many facts data to back this up. 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However, there is serious debate over the causes, extent, and consequences of the warming (Easton, 2009, p.156). There is conflict on whether humans are causing a global warming that could be disastrous to humans and all species of

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